About Us

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Where we operate.

Precise Assemblies is based out of Kelso, Missouri, a suburb of Cape Girardeau. I have a normal working radius of roughly 150 miles that stretches into Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas. Although I do not have a limit on how far I'll travel.

What we're best at.

I specialize in, 'in‑home assembly' — assembling purchases that come in pieces. Those items that leave you feeling like you need a degree from MIT to assemble yourself.

For couples, it can tempt divorce, which is why I've been called a 'lifesaver' by many husbands, and a 'marriage saver' by even more wives.

How we've evolved.

The original services offered were exercise equipment assembly, furniture assembly, and game table assembly.

Throughout the years, my services have organically expanded to include TV mounting, garage door opener installation, and swing set assembly.

I again later expanded to include in‑ground basketball hoop installation, which led to people wanting driveway court painting and pavement cleaning. Now you can have a hoop and court just like the pros!

While this may seem like a random assortment of services, they are very closely related when looked at with a mechanical mind. Every item I assemble uses a nut or bolt in one way or another.

Learn more about me, Jeremy Glastetter.